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James A. Verner
Seventy-Six Endeavors Unillustrated
and The Unhappy Science: Understanding The Anglo-Zionist Deep State

Taschenbuch Januar 2023
117 Seiten | ca. 10,5 x 14,8 cm
ISBN: 978-3-96014-962-0

Print-Ausgabe in den Warenkorb
€ 9.90 *
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I’m rhyming for prose; it’s for my street cred: The Sanhedrin knows that Jesus is dead. It’s Christmas that’s fake, so don’t spare the rod; that’s how the ravs beat both Caesar and God. In the language art of the formal versifier, not unlike Bakunin’s foreknowledge, the antithesis of hindsight, social science prescience appears cheek by jowl with Hegel’s owl in the belles-lettres of Seventy-Six Endeavors Unillustrated and The Unhappy Science: Understanding The Anglo-Zionist Deep State.
The Blueprint
The Third World War has now begun, without the formal Axis fun, without the Allies or the Hun. Icke’s Biggest Secret graces England’s beaming blue blood faces. Psychopaths, narcissists galore from Burma to the Spanish shore, Big Brother’s blueprint Orwell bore. He called it Nineteen Eighty-Four.

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